Early Years Curriculum

Our Early Years Department is already structured as Kindergarten and Pre-Reception classes, meaning that pupils can now start their LPS journey as young as 2 years old. To continue the excellent development of our EYFS provision, we are redesigning our curriculum to equip our pupils with a wider sense of learning, that exceeds the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. With the natural progression of year groups, from Kindergarten to Pre-Reception and on to Reception; we are developing an education that provides a continuity of learning as children grow and develop. This strategy will be mirrored throughout the school up to Year 6, this will ensure pupils build on the knowledge and skills they have acquired.  

Our pupils will have the opportunity to access an education that that far exceeds the requirements of the EYFS framework. In this way, they will acquire the key skills to enable them to enjoy successful careers at school, and in adult life.

In Early Years, we use the popular Read Write Inc. scheme to provide a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy and to encourage children to develop their reading skills. Parents often comment on the rapid progress that their children make in phonics. Using an Early Years Maths learning approach, our children learn quickly to develop their numeracy skills.

We incorporate all relevant aspects of the new Early Years Curriculum in Art, Craft, Movement, Music and Science. Information technology is introduced into the curriculum in Kindergarten, encouraging the children to learn and enjoy computer skills. Children enjoy learning outdoors in our outdoor continuous provision environment, Physical Education and Gymnastics in the Hall and there are weekly trips for swimming at the local swimming centre.

Music, drama and physical activity play important roles in the school. Children have the opportunity to take individual music lessons and to perform in a variety of school productions and class assemblies to mark special events in the calendar year. There is a wide range of sporting activities and a full programme of extra-curricular clubs and activities to meet all interests.

In Early Years, we set a small amount of homework that usually involves reading, making arts and craft projects and preparing for Show and Tell.

In Kindergarten children are introduced to reading for pleasure and encouraged to enjoy a book in the reading corner. We are enthusiastic that children read at home with their parents, or wider family members.