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Extra Curricular
A Leicester Preparatory School education and learning experience go far beyond the formal curriculum.
ADVENTURE, DISCOVERY, EXCITEMENT, VARIETY, THE UNEXPECTED are all vital to a happy, fulfilling childhood. Together they help children explore their world and understand their place in it. We strive for our pupils to be open-minded and open-eyed – always to have a go and grasp every opportunity offered to them.
To this end, we are constantly looking to introduce new experiences and pupils’ opportunity to try something different, develop existing interests or discover new ones. The list is continuously changing to meet the individual’s needs. Still, it includes a range of sport, including Archery, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics, horse riding, Taekwondo, to name a few of the school’s sports. Other extra-curricular activities that stimulate the mind and build confidence include Chess, Dance and Musical Theatre. The newly refurbished playground, professionally designed to incorporate our aims, has proved to be a massive success for all children.
As a city school, we use the impressive facilities available in the Leicester area, including swimming pools, sports centres, tennis club, museums, theatres and wider parks and recreation sites. Theme Days, Educational Visits and visiting speakers and drama workshops are just some of the myriad ways Leicester Preparatory enriches and enhances the learning experience. Children in all phases of the school experience educational visits. However, pupils in Upper School (Year 3-6) get the opportunity to explore places outside Leicester through local, national, or international residential trips.