Pre Prep Curriculum

In Year 1 and Year 2 your child’s classes will all follow the new National Curriculum with a number of additional extension areas. We work hard to provide each child with an exciting and colourful learning environment.

We use the popular Read Write Inc. scheme to provide a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy and to encourage children to become fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. The Ofsted report in 2020 noted:

‘Adults are well trained to teach early reading. Practising phonics is a daily routine for younger pupils. Children listen intently during story time and want to predict what happens next. They enjoy reading to adults and use their skills to work out new words. If a pupil finds reading difficult, teachers provide extra support. Older pupils have access to good-quality texts. They read fluently and with appropriate expression.’

The White Rose Maths scheme is used to develop the pupil’s mastery skills in numeracy. We incorporate all relevant aspects of the new National Curriculum in Art, Craft, Movement, Music and Science, and Information technology encourages the children to learn and enjoy computer skills.

Physical Education in the Hall or playground provides the opportunity for team sports. Specialist Sports of Archery, Fencing, Golf and Gymnastics, give our pupils the chance to learn and play an individual sport to high level. Specialist sports is delivered by a specialist sports coach.  There are trips for swimming to the local swimming centre.

Music, modern languages such as French and Mandarin, drama, and physical activity play important roles in school. There are concerts and drama performances at all ages of the school. The Pre-Prep children stage their own year group events at Christmas and there is a wonderful Pre-Prep Production during the Summer Term.

Children can take individual music lessons and to perform in a variety of school productions and class assemblies. There are a wide range of sporting activities and a full programme of extra-curricular clubs and activities to meet all interests.