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Pre Prep Section
Pre-Prep Extra Curricular
Physical Education in the Hall, playground or sports centre provides the opportunity for team sports. Specialist Sports of Archery, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics and Horse Riding give our pupils the chance to learn and play an individual sport to a high level. Specialist sports is delivered by a specialist sports coach. There are trips for swimming to the local swimming centre.
Our Music provision is under pinned by developing our pupil’s confidence. Pupils at LPS discover the fun of learning an instrument with our whole class tuition sessions. We offer a range of lessons utilising simple introductory instruments, including the recorder, ukulele, guitar. Pupils also experience using technology to make music through music production and recording using iPad. Pupils learn the importance of teamwork and supporting each other as they progress together, building class morale. Music, drama, debating, and physical activity play important roles in school. There are concerts and drama performances at all ages of the school, pupils also attend performance events through educational visits.
The after-school provision is of a high quality, expert-led sessions. The sports offered by our sports provider are backed and planned by National Sports Governing Bodies. The activities offered are:
- Hockey Heroes in partnership with England Hockey
- Boxing with British Boxing
- Table Tennis Kidz with Table Tennis England
- Dance with our Professional Dancer (dance on offer can be Ballet, Tap or Street)
- Basketball Slam Jam with England Basketball
- Wimbledon Ready with Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) British Tennis
- Dodgeball with British Dodgeball
- Gymnastics
Another extra-curricular provision is Chess Club. Chess is an excellent extracurricular activity. Apart from being a fun game, Chess has many benefits. It helps children develop their analytical skills and can do some marvellous things such as:
- Is brain gym – it exercises both sides of the brain
- Improves concentration
- Improves reading skills
- Increases creativity
- Improves memory
- Increases problem-solving skills
Academic clubs:
- Mathletics
- Reading Eggs
- Debating
- Maths (G&T)
- STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics)
- Lego Club
- School Council
- Chess Club
Performing arts and creative arts
- Art and Crafts
- Orchestra
- Drama
- Choir
- Guitar Group
- Recorders
- Ukulele Group
Sports and games clubs and activities
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Cricket
- Football
- Gymnastics
- Netball
- Rounders
- Rugby
- Swimming
- Tag Rugby
- Tennis
As our pupil numbers grow our sports squads will be involved in inter and external sports competitions!