Prep School Admissions

Entry into Pre-Preparatory School (Years 3 – 6) is determined as follows:

The main intake point is at 7+ (Year 3), however, we try to help as many applicants throughout Years 4-6 as possible, depending on availability.

Prep School pupils are admitted in the following way:

  • The individual is invited to spend a taster day in school where an assessment is made by the class. Feedback is provided to the parents/guardian by the Headteacher at the end of the taster day.
  • Assessments in Mathematics and English are administered.
  • In all cases where an individual seeks entry to the school, the present school may be contacted for a report or reference, which can be either oral or written.

The preconditions for admission are:

  • The applicant is of the appropriate age.
  • The applicant enjoys satisfactory general health and will be able to attend lessons and fully participate in the life of the School.
  • The applicant meets the minimum entry standard for the quality of academic work.
  • The applicant’s learning difficulties and other special needs (if any) have been fully disclosed at the point of registration to the School and are, in the opinion of the Head, with input from the SENCo, within both the school’s and pupil’s capacity to cope. The school will endeavour to make all possible reasonable adjustments for a disabled child.
  • The present school report, if requested, is satisfactory in respect of conduct and attitude.